30 years, 11,000 patients. We know ADHD!
The Being Well Center offers an accurate diagnosis with a team you trust. We address attention issues at all ages and life stages. Our expertise lies in systematically testing medication therapy for optimal symptom control.
For over 30 years, The Being Well Center under the direction of Dr. Craig B. Liden has helped more than 11,000 individuals living with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and Attentional Weakness, Temperamental Dysregulation, and Executive Dysfunction Syndrome (A.T.E.).

I am not sure how our family would have survived without the treatment plan and care we have received through The Being Well Center over the past eight years. People think we are crazy for driving there from Indiana; it's worth every mile and minute and then some! Dr Liden and staff are professional, accommodating, and most of all knowledgeable! I can't possibly recommend them highly enough.
BWC Client
What We Do
We are a medically-based practice in Pittsburgh, PA specializing in evaluating and treating children and adults struggling with challenges of daily living.
We improve performance in life spheres including academic/job performance, social interaction, behavior control, independent functioning, and health maintenance.
We serve people across the lifespan from toddlers through adulthood. Our commitment is to improve the quality of life for our patients by addressing the needs of the whole person.
We work closely together patients, families, and significant others to develop treatment plans that address each patient's unique profile.
Our diagnostic and treatment services are directed by Craig B. Liden, MD, a nationally recognized leader in the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD and A.T.E. Syndrome.
Accurate Assessment
The BWC's Explore Your Core program includes a questionnaire, probing interview, and FACES™ Attention Test to determine the accuracy of your current diagnosis and the effectiveness of your current treatment plan.
Precision Medication
When indicated, we advocate carefully monitored medication as part of a comprehensive, multi-modal treatment plan. At the Being Well Center medication treatment is carefully titrated and systematically tracked using Dr. Liden’s proprietary objective digital assessment, the FACES™ Attention Test.
Transdisciplinary Care
The Being Well Center builds ongoing relationships between our patients and our team of trans-disciplinary experts. Your life, needs, and goals matter to us. We invest time getting to know the whole you and then tailor a success plan to your unique needs and life circumstances.
Praise and Testimonials

Your program has given us hope and the realization that even though our son is a child with ADD, through counseling he will be able to mature into a responsible adult. Without this program, our family and our son would not have survived.
Kinney family

You and your team were so helpful in determining what the problems were. Our daughter is exceeding all of expectations!!! She is on Dean's list at college and is applying to graduate schools!!! As a mother, thank you for helping my daughter be all she can be.
Noreen Y.

Thank you for your wisdom in dealing with my family. You have turned me in a different direction – a good direction. My husband and I will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary and many more, because of you. How can I thank you enough?
Patti M.

“When we brought our son (in eleventh grade) to you, he had failed four courses, was discouraged, overweight, listless, short-tempered, and obviously facing a dim future. At his graduation a year later, his progress, due purely to your efforts, was so remarkable that he received awards for most improved grade-wise, the Presidential Silver Fitness Award, and an award and full college scholarship. The turnaround has been absolutely miraculous and you marvelous people at [The Being Well Center] deserve full credit.”
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